Natural Liquid Fertilizer

EOGREEN Natural Organic Liquid Fertilizer Characteristic

  • Compound useful microbial treatment

  • Odorless organic liquid fertilizer

  • 1L of EOGREEN + 500L ~ 1,000L Water

  • All chemical-free products

  • Excellent soil improvement effect

  • Organic mineral supply Effect on cultivated crops

EOGREEN Inspection Analysis

Compound useful microorganisms disassemble heavy metals for 80 days without any equipment. Treatment of pig excrement without the use of chemicals by only compound useful microorganisms. It works better when used with other minerals needed for each crop. Compound microorganisms suck natural nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil to improve the soil

EOGREEN Function for the Soil

By nourishing the soil, it quickly recovers the desolated soil by repeated cultivation and fertilizers. Provides a good environment for bacteria that are beneficial to the soil and suppresses various soil diseases. Decomposes harmful gas and superior effect on salinity and stench generated in moist soil.

EOGREEN Function for the Crops

The leaves and stems of the crops grow thick and the leaves become darker and Better in taste and quality for fruit and vegetables, with significant improvement in sugar contents, fragrance, and color. There is no need to use chemical fertilizer and pesticide as a natural organic mineral supply for crops.

EOGREEN Function for the Agriculture

Agricultural productivity increases by more than 30 percent through eco-friendly organic farming. By reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, more than 99 percent, healthy soil, water, and air can be passed on to the next generation.

EOGREEN Standard Method of Use

  1. Sprinkle enough amount of EOGREEN liquid on the land 2 times before farming

  2. After the EOGREEN undiluted solution spraying, dilute the EOGREEN about 500 to 1000 times

  3. 2L~3L/㎡

| Grains: Rise, Barley, Wheat, etc.

  1. Soil Improvement: Irrigate land with 500 times EOGREEN diluted Solution more than 2 times between harvest and planting

  2. Seed Bed: Spray 500 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week for 3 weeks

  3. Paddy: Spray 1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution at least 2~5times

Leaf Vegetables: Cabbage, Spinach, Chinese Cabbage, Lettuce, etc.

  1. Soil Improvement: Irrigate land with 500times EOGREEN diluted Solution more than 2 times between harvest and planting

  2. Seedling: Spray 1,000times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week for 3 weeks

  3. Until harvest: Spray 1,000times EOGREEN diluted solution on foliages

Tuberous & Root Vegetables: Potatoes, taros, radishes, sweet potatoes, burdocks, etc.

  1. Soil Improvement: Irrigate land with 500times EOGREEN diluted Solution more than 2 times between harvest and planting

  2. Until harvest: Spray 500~1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution once in 3 days to a week on foliages

Fruits and Vegetables: tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, peppers, watermelons, etc.

  1. Soil Improvement: Irrigate land with 500 times EOGREEN diluted Solution more than 2 times between harvest and planting

  2. Growing Seedling: Spray 500 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week for 3 weeks

  3. Until harvest: Spray 500 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week during irrigation

Flowers: Rose, Carnations, Lisianthuses, etc

  1. Soil Improvement: Irrigate land with 20~300 times EOGREEN diluted Solution more than 2 times between harvest and planting

  2. Seedling: Spray 500~1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week for 3 weeks

  3. Until Cutting Flowers: Spray 500~1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week on foliages during irrigation

Beans: Coffee beans, Kidney beans, unripe peas, peas, soybeans

  1. Soil Improvement: Irrigate land with 500 times EOGREEN diluted Solution more than 2 times between harvest and planting

  2. Seedling: Spray 300~500 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week for 3 weeks

  3. Until harvest: Spray 500 times EOGREEN diluted solution once a week during irrigation


  • Mushroom Culture on Beds: Inject 300~500 times EOGREEN diluted solution into mushroom medium. Put 500~1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution into a humidifier and humidify mushrooms

  • Mushroom Culture on Logs: Soak a log into 100 times EOGREEN diluted solution for 10 hours. Then, spray 300~500 times EOGREEN diluted solution once in 1~3 weeks

Lawn Grass

Irrigate land with 500~1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution and spray it on foliage. (2~3 times a month in the winter, 4~5 times a month from the spring to the fall)

Green Tea

  1. Irrigate land with 500 times EOGREEN diluted solution and spray it on foliages

  2. (2 times a month from Oct. to Jan. 3~4 times a month from Feb. to Sept.)

Flowering Plants: foliage plants, oriental orchids, etc.

  • Pour 500~1,000 times EOGREEN diluted solution in the soil and spray on foliages


  • Do not use it with insecticides and chemical fertilizers

  • When using with pesticides or other fertilizers, check in advance

  • After unsealing, the product should be used as soon as possible

  • Avoid direct sunlight and store at room temperature(10~30ºC)

  • Shake well before using

  • Follow the dilution rate in the direction